Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Day

Well, just when you don't think the doctors are going to stop by and you are going to have to wait another day for results, they stop in.  Dr. Beinart came by shortly after I posted today and with him he brought positive news!!!  The lung nodules are about half the size they previously were and one looks to be almost gone.  He did say that it is harder to interpert the bones from the CT scan, so they are still going to do the MRI and will also do some additional x-rays to get a good reading on how they are progressing.  Over all he said that the cancer is responding to the treatment and that is good news...very good news!!  Dr. Beinart will be working with Dr. Marco after the results from the MRI and x-rays are available to to determine the next steps on Dad's path.  Hopefully the results from today's test will be equally as positive as the results were today if not more so.  Thank you God!!

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